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Show Opened FileName in Titlebar of window form (using in C# .NET)

Hello, I m working in C# .NET. I m facing a problem. Will u plz help me out... My Qu: Suppose U have a PictureBox or InkPicture in ur Form. It has opendialog control also. When u run the application, the user will select an image to open (thru opendialog) and that will be opened in picturebox ( or InkPicture). HOW TO SHOW THE FILENAME , THAT IS PRESENTLY OPENED IN PICTUREBOX OR INKPICTURE CONTROL ON FORM'S TITLEBAR????????????? Next time when user will open a new file, this current filename must be shown on form's titlebar. How could this be possible in c#. plz reply soon....

1 Reply

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team March 27, 2003 06:20 PM UTC

After you open the file via the OpenFileDialog you should set the Form's Text to be OpenFileDialog.FileName. That should do it. Regards, Praveen Ramesh

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