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Intercept listbox key behavior

When a listbox control has focus and a a key is pressed, it tries to select the item that matches that keystroke. I'd like to have it not do this at all in one particular place, but I cannot figure out how. Is there an easy way to disable this behavior. I tried wiring to the keydown event (and doing nothing with it), but that doesn't seem to help. I'm sure it's simple... just not seeing it. :) - David

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 17, 2003 12:34 PM UTC

The listbox control probably does this in it's OnKeyDown method (before firing the KeyDown event) or in ProcessCmdKey method. Try overriding OnKeyDown and not call the base class in a derived class, this will prevent all keydown processing in the listbox control. If that doesn't work try overriding ProcessCmdKey. -Praveen

DA David February 17, 2003 07:23 PM UTC

You mean I have to create my own control type by inheriting from one of theirs? -- David

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team February 19, 2003 11:30 AM UTC

Yes, that is what I meant. -Praveen

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