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circular calculation

Hi, I made a component so I can use the calculator (quickcalc) from a COM component. But from where I am, I don''t have access to the help file of the calculator. It would be great to be able to download only the PDF or chm elp file of a component. My quesion is, is there a way to detect a circular calculation? because when I do this, I get no error and I get false answer: Dim g As New CalculatorVC.CalcQuickVC g("a") = "=[b]+[c]" g("c") = "=[a]" g("b") = "5" MsgBox g("a") & vbCrLf & g("b") & vbCrLf & g("c") Result: a=250, b=5 and c=245 Where did it get the 250 and 245. It''s from a circular calculation, but no way to detect it. Thank you.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 11, 2004 10:44 AM UTC

The reason you see the values you see is that there is circular calculation limit that lets such calculations proceed a certain number of interations (the default is 100) before just returning the currently held value. Our code base has been modified so that instead of CalcQuick just returning a value, it will optionally throw an exception that you could catch. This functionailty will be in the release version currently scheduled for Dec 16.

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