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Displaying Numeric Value with Digit Grouping in DataGRID (Thousand, etc). HELP ME PLEASE ...

Somebody please help me with this problem. I want to display such 12345 into 12,345 in my Datagrid Cell (i'm using VB.NET) . Thanks a lot

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team January 17, 2003 02:37 PM UTC

Create a TableStyle (unsing DataGridTableStyle Collection Editor), then create some GridColumnsStyles (using DataGridColumnStyle Collection Editor) and then in the "Format" property of your GridColumnStyle put something like "#,#" for more format options study this: "Custom Numeric Format Strings " in the VisualStudio Help > Somebody please help me with this problem. I want to display such 12345 into 12,345 in my Datagrid Cell (i'm using VB.NET) . Thanks a lot >

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