Apparently when you paste a message into your post form,
the sentences show up in their entirety, but any sentences
longer than 80 chars or so are just truncated.
So for the last time I hope, here is the whole post with
complete sentences
Okay, attached is the simplest example of CurrencyManager.PositionChanged not firing that I could write.
It turns out that for this to occur, 2 things have to happen (which made it harder to isolate):
1. The datasource must be a strongly typed dataset
2. You have to explictly add the columns such as:
new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor[] {
new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col1"),
new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col2")});
I have to add my columns in my original as I need to customize the decriptors for combobox columns, etc..
I know this seems weird and does not seem like it would have any affect on the ability for the currency
manager to update new positions, but it does.
Please check out my new form by adding it to your original sample and changing the static main to
instantiate "GGCHightCurrentRow.Form3"
The attached schema file needs to have the following properties set in the designer to auto build the
strongly typed dataset:
Custom Tool: MSDataSetGenerator
Custom Tool Namespace: GGCHightCurrentRow
(I just used the namespace from your original project)
If you do not do both of these steps I described, then the position will update just fine. (i.e. create
a dataset manually or just let the columns create themselves)
Please let me know if you come up with a work around.
>I am having trouble with sentences getting truncated when I paste them into the post box so I reposting this message.
>Okay, attached is the simplest example of CurrencyManager.PositionChanged not firing that I could write.
>It turns out that for this to occur, 2 things have to happen (which made it harder to isolate):
>1. The datasource must be a strongly typed dataset
>2. You have to explictly add the columns such as:
>this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Columns.AddRange(new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor[] {
>new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col1"),
>new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col2")});
>I have to add my columns in my original as I need to customize the decriptors for combobox columns, etc..
>I know this seems weird and does not seem like it would have any affect on the ability for the currency manager to update new positions, but it does.
>Please check out my new form by adding it to your original sample and changing the static main to instantiate "GGCHightCurrentRow.Form3"
>The attached schema file needs to have the following properties set in the designer to auto build the strongly typed dataset:
>Custom Tool: MSDataSetGenerator
>Custom Tool Namespace: GGCHightCurrentRow
>(I just used the namespace from your original project)
>If you do not do both of these steps I described, then the position will update just fine. (i.e. create a dataset manually or just let the columns create themselves)
>Please let me know if you come up with a work around.
>>Okay, attached is the simplest example of CurrencyManager.PositionChanged not firing that I could write.
>>It turns out that for this to occur, 2 things have to happen (which made it harder to isolate):
>>1. The datasource must be a strongly typed dataset
>>2. You have to explictly add the columns such as:
>>this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.Columns.AddRange(new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor[] {
>>new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col1"),
>>new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Grid.Grouping.GridColumnDescriptor("col2")});
>>I have to add my columns in my original as I need to customize the decriptors for combobox columns, etc..
>>I know this seems weird and does not seem like it would have any affect on the ability for the currency manager to update new positions, but it does.
>>Please check out my new form by adding it to your original sample and changing the static main to instantiate "GGCHightCurrentRow.Form3"
>>The attached schema file needs to have the following properties set in the designer to auto build the strongly typed dataset:
>>Custom Tool: MSDataSetGenerator
>>Custom Tool Namespace: GGCHightCurrentRow
>>(I just used the namespace from your original project)
>>If you do not do both of these steps I described, then the position will update just fine. (i.e. create a dataset manually or just let the columns create themselves)
>>Please let me know if you come up with a work around.
>>>Hang on a sec.. somehow my gridGroupingControl1.DataMember got wiped out..
>>>it should be in the code
>>>gridGroupingControl1.DataMember = "Table1"
>>>and then my event fires and I can group by the columns again. Not sure how I wiped it out but I am sure set it.
>>>let me see if I can keep adding the my sample to make it stop working.
>>>>Here is the simplest sample I could make quickly. (Oddly unrelated, is the fact that I cannot group by any of the columns by dropping them on the GroupGridDropArea.. they all seem to not allow the drop. If you could let me know why that is it would be interesting)
>>>>In this sample, I have tried to bind the CurrencyManager.PositionChanged event two different ways to make sure. Neither fire. Just select different rows and the event never fires.
>>>>NOTE: This assumes you just put it into the project you already sent and change the static main in your Form1 to instantiate Form2 instead.
>>>>>If your currencymanager is not firing, then the currencymanager you are working with and the one the grid is using are likely not the same object.
>>>>>You will note the above sample was setting grid.DataSource = dt and was using the this.BindingContext[dt] to retrieve the currencymanager (if I recall correctly). This assumes the grid is using the same binding context as the form. If you have your grid embbeded in some other container than the form, this may not be the case. If you can post a sample project showing the problem, maybe we can suggest a way to get them synced up.