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Opening a form from a grid event

Hi, I am currently trying to invoke a form to load from the current cell validated on a grid. When the Show() method of the form is reached the application stop responding. I have the included some sample code below. The form is a new instance of the current form. private void gridQuestions_CurrentCellValidated(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.hasEdits=true; GridCurrentCell cc = this.gridQuestions.CurrentCell; if (gridQuestions[cc.RowIndex,cc.ColIndex].CellType=="ComboBox") { GridComboBoxCellRenderer cr = cc.Renderer as GridComboBoxCellRenderer; if (typeof(dsHouses.QuestionLinkedListValuesRow)==cr.ListBoxPart.SelectedItem.GetType()) { dsHouses.QuestionLinkedListValuesRow llv= cr.ListBoxPart.SelectedItem as dsHouses.QuestionLinkedListValuesRow; if (llv!=null&&!llv.IsQuestionLinkedQuestionGroupIdNull()) { Total_Cost.frmHouseQuestions ch = new frmHouseQuestions(this.objdsHouses,llv.QuestionLinkedQuestionGroupId); ch.MdiParent=this.MdiParent; ch.Show(); } } } } Thanks, Craig

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team December 12, 2002 11:51 PM UTC

Does it help if you call grid.CancelUpdate(); just before calling ch.Show()? The grid might be in between Begin/EndUpdate calls while this event is raised and because of that Paint messages are ignored which causes some side unwanted effects when showing a dialog. (Something we would have to review again and change in future). Stefan

RJ Robert J Harder December 13, 2002 01:26 AM UTC

Ok calling CancelUpdate() didn't work, the app stopped responding at this point instead. I have now hung this off the CurrentCellEditingCompleteEvent. The form now opens as expected.

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