For now, you will have to handle an event to do this type of thing. You can listen to the GroupedColumns changed event, and hide/show things in your event handler. You will also need to keep track of the column and where it was. Here are some snippets.
//subscribe to the event
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Changed += new Syncfusion.Collections.ListPropertyChangedEventHandler(GroupedColumns_Changed);
//used to track where/what column needs to be shown/hidden
private Hashtable saveLocation = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable saveColumn = new Hashtable();
//the handler
private void GroupedColumns_Changed(object sender, ListPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
SortColumnDescriptor col = e.Item as SortColumnDescriptor;
int i = this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns.IndexOf(col.Name);
if(i > -1)
saveLocation.Add(col.Name, i);
saveColumn.Add(col.Name, this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns[i]);
i = (int) saveLocation[col.Name];
GridVisibleColumnDescriptor vcol = saveColumn[col.Name] as GridVisibleColumnDescriptor;
this.gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.VisibleColumns.Insert(i, vcol);