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apt-get update install command for required library started failing

Hi Team,

We were running the below command from docker for Blazor PDF Viewer. But it stopped working all of a sudden!, it was working until 4/21/2023.

RUN apt-get update \ 
     && apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated --show-progress --reinstall \
     libc6-dev \
     libgdiplus \
     libx11-dev \
     curl \
     vim \
     supervisor \

1 thing I noticed is it is working in local and failing in the server.

In local it gets from bullseye but in server it looks for stretch!

Can you let us know what could have gone wrong? 

1 Reply

VV Visvesvar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team April 27, 2023 11:48 AM UTC

We need to know the error details you are getting while running on the server to provide further details. We also need to know the server and local configuration details like OS etc, to provide further details.

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