i want to select row by using GetRowIndexByPrimaryKey(Async) method but it returns always -1
1- Syncfusion version is 21.1.37
2- i have data and the row id in page when i execute the databoundHandler methode
3- the grid configuration begins with :
<SfGrid DataSource="@_ofProdDataSource" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="false" AllowSelection="true" EnableAltRow="false" Height="100px" @ref="MyGrid">
<GridEvents TValue="HandAdditionOfProd" OnDataBound="DataBoundHandler" RowSelected="SelectProduction" />
<GridColumn Field="IdFabrication" HeaderText="Number" Width="100" IsPrimaryKey="true" />
4- the methode used is :
public async void DataBoundHandler(BeforeDataBoundArgs<HandAdditionOfProd> args)
await Task.Delay(200);
var selectedOfIndex = await MyGrid.GetRowIndexByPrimaryKey(106152);
await MyGrid.SelectRow(selectedOfIndex);