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Trouble with localization to any language

Hi i'm having trouble with localizing my component to Croatian language or any language for that matter. I followed the tutorial in the documentation and I can't seem to get where im wrong. This is how my app.xaml. cs looks like

public App()
CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("hr-HR");
SfSchedulerResources.ResourceManager = new ResourceManager("eOdvjetnik.Resources.SfScheduler", Application.Current.GetType().Assembly); MainPage = new AppShell();
} Also my sfScheduler.hr-HR.resx file is in the eOdvjetnik/resources, and it is set to embedded resource like the tutorial says
what happens is that some of the app is translated(ex. days in the week, and months respectively), and other things like views, weeks counter and mostly elements of the scheduler don't get translated. Any help is welcome

3 Replies

SS SaiGanesh Sakthivel Syncfusion Team April 20, 2023 12:33 PM UTC

Hi Bruno,

#Regarding Localization of the cr-CR language in SfScheduler

We could not replicate the reported scenario from our end. We have prepared the sample with the Croatian locale and attached the sample in the attachment. We suggest that you ensure all custom string texts are added to the SfScheduler.hr-HR.resx file and compared with our resx file.

Please check the sample and let us know if you still facing the same issue? If not, please modify the sample based on your scenario. It will be helpful for us to check on it and provide you with the solution as soon as possible.

SaiGanesh Sakthivel

Attachment: Localization_b5df6f2c.zip

AF Alban Favre January 29, 2024 06:59 PM UTC

I'm adding a precision because I had exactly the same problem : 

the fix was to clean the csproj file. Removing <EmbeddedResource ...> tags. And removing 

<MauiXaml ...>  nodes automatically generated.

VM Vidyalakshmi Mani Syncfusion Team January 31, 2024 10:40 AM UTC

Hi Alban,

Based on the information provided, we have checked your query, and we are unable to replicate the reported issue from our end. We've created a simple sample for localization in the MAUI SfScheduler control, which is attached here for your reference. Kindly review our sample, and if the issue persists, please revert to us with further details.


Vidyalakshmi M.

Attachment: MAUISchedulerLocalization_646a515.zip

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