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Custom dialog editor layout


I want to use the Dialog editor in the grid component, but the layout is not what I am looking for 
so when I change it my layout is working fine but then I lose the ability to have drop downs linked to my entity model 
I tried looking at how to connect my dropdownlist to my entity, but I do not see any documentation when I use a custom Adaptor 

Is there a way you can assist me in either using the default grid dialog edit that the grid generates that I can specify the layout of the components 

or if I create my own dialog edit template. how I connect my entity model to the dropdownlist components using custom adaptor 

1 Reply

BL Balamurugan Lakshmanan Syncfusion Team April 18, 2023 04:53 PM UTC

Hi Pierre,

Greeting from Syncfusion support.

From your query, we suspect that you are facing an issue with dialog editor with dropdownlist in Custom Adaptor. We suggest you to refer the Dialog Template in UG Documentation to customize based to your requirement. We have attached the UG Documentation link for your reference. Kindly refer the attachment to resolve your issue.


If the issue still persists, Kindly share the below requested details for further validation:

1. Share us the entire Grid code snippet.

2.Kindly explain your requirement elaborately for better understanding.

3.Share us a video demonstration of the issue.

4.If possible kindly share us a simple issue reproduceable sample .

Above requested details will be very helpful in validating the reported query at our end and provide solution as early as possible.



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