I have a simple js function to switch between dark and light material stylesheets.
In _Host.cshtml
<link id="theme" rel='nofollow' href="css/material.css" rel="stylesheet" />
In app.js
function toggleTheme() {
// Obtains the <link> element with id="theme".
var theme = document.getElementById('theme');
// Change the value of rel='nofollow' href attribute
// to change the css sheet.
if (theme.getAttribute('rel='nofollow' href') == 'css/material.css') {
theme.setAttribute('rel='nofollow' href', 'css/materialdark.css');
} else {
theme.setAttribute('rel='nofollow' href', 'css/material.css');
And in MainLayout.razor
A simple checkbox with: <input type="checkbox" @onchange="ToggleTheme">
And a calling for the js function when clicked:
private async void ToggleTheme()
await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<object>("toggleTheme");
My problem is that even though I change out the whole stylesheet SfChart and SfAccumulationChart refuse to follow the styling, while SfGrid changes styles right away and respect the current stylesheet in use.