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Error on grid

After update to version 21.1.38, starts throw this error:

core.mjs:9171 ERROR TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '__eventList' in undefined

    at EventHandler.addOrGetEventData (ej2-base.es5.js:4571:13)

    at EventHandler.add (ej2-base.es5.js:4590:38)

    at MenuBase.wireEvents (ej2-navigations.es5.js:1361:17)

    at MenuBase.render (ej2-navigations.es5.js:1276:14)

    at Component.appendTo (ej2-base.es5.js:7247:18)

    at ContextMenu$$1.render (ej2-grids.es5.js:47541:26)

    at Observer.notify (ej2-base.es5.js:2387:29)

    at Component.notify (ej2-base.es5.js:7329:32)

    at Grid.render (ej2-grids.es5.js:16408:14)

    at Component.appendTo (ej2-base.es5.js:7247:18)

1 Reply

HS Hemanthkumar S Syncfusion Team April 7, 2023 02:49 PM UTC

Hi Tech Shop,

Before we start providing a solution to your query, we need some information for our clarification. So, please share the below details which will be helpful for us to provide a better solution.

  1. Share the issue replication procedure in detail.
  2. Share your complete Grid rendering code.
  3. Share the video demo, Which help us to better understand your query.


Hemanth Kumar S

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