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Poor Performance on StackedColumnSeries

Hi there,

I had problems with the performance of StackedColumnSeries. Unlike LineSeries, they render very slowly and are lagging. I tested the whole thing with about 120 data points. With LineSeries this was no problem at all, but the ColumnSeries are unusable. Maybe the implementation should be optimized here.

Below is the code how I implemented the chart:

plotAreaBorderWidth: 0,
primaryXAxis: DateTimeCategoryAxis(
isVisible: true,
majorGridLines: const MajorGridLines(width: 0),
labelRotation: 75,
zoomPanBehavior: ZoomPanBehavior(
enablePinching: true,
zoomMode: ZoomMode.x,
enablePanning: true,
enableMouseWheelZooming: false,
primaryYAxis: NumericAxis(isVisible: true),
series: data
(dataPoint) => StackedColumnSeries<DateTimeDataPoint, DateTime>(
name: widget.legends[data.indexOf(dataPoint)],
dataSource: dataPoint,
xValueMapper: (DateTimeDataPoint dataPoint, _) => dataPoint.xPoint,
yValueMapper: (DateTimeDataPoint dataPoint, _) => dataPoint.yPoint,
color: widget.chartColors[data.indexOf(dataPoint)],

2 Replies

YG Yuvaraj Gajaraj Syncfusion Team April 5, 2023 12:39 PM UTC

Hi Lukas,

We are validating your query at our end, and we will update further details in one business day on 6 April 2023. We appreciate your patience until then.



YG Yuvaraj Gajaraj Syncfusion Team April 6, 2023 09:05 AM UTC

Hi Lukas,

The following are the key points that can be used to boost the performance of the chart when there is a need to plot high volume data.

We have also tested and ensured the StackedColumn series with more than 120 data points with 3 series and it is working fine when performing zoom and panning. We didn't experience any performance related issues. If you have any further queries please get back to us.



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