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refresh PivotView not working

this is my PivotView 

im tryng to refresh everytime data is changed (CRUD), im using ajax for replace new data but its not working 

2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

MG Muqaffi Gusticahyo Adi Bhaskoro April 4, 2023 05:19 AM UTC

Nevermind I found it after check inside  the "ej2_instances[0]" with console log

and found it on PivotCommon > dataSourceSettings > dataSource

Marked as answer

AP AngelinFaithSheeba PaulvannanRajadurai Syncfusion Team April 4, 2023 01:03 PM UTC

Hi Muqaffi,

Yes, data source should be only updated inside the dataSourceSettings and we do not need to manually refresh the component after updating the dataSource property. Pivot table component will refresh automatically while updating its properties at runtime.


Angelin Faith Sheeba

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