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Scrolling inside tab content doesn't work correctly


I have a SfTabView with 3 tabs. Each tab has content that goes over the screen size. Each tab has different controls such as Labels and Frames, data is loaded async.

The scroll works on each tab but it doesn't scroll all the way down. Is there a way to solve this? To me it seems like the ScrollView is not updating the height of the content once it's loaded. I am using MVVM.

 <tabView:SfTabItem Header="Detail" BackgroundColor="{StaticResource White}">


                        <ScrollView x:Name="PageScroll" VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand">

<!-- Other content loaded async that binds to Labels, Frames, etc. -->




2 Replies

VV Vijayakumar Viswanathan Syncfusion Team April 3, 2023 02:49 PM UTC

Hi Ivan,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We could able to reproduce the issue in IOS when setting the VerticalOptions="StartAndExpand" for scrollView. This scrolling issue can be resolved by not using the VerticalOptions property of ScrollView. Please review the attached sample for your reference. If the issue persists on your side it would be helpful if you could provide more detailed information about the scenario in which our control was used, including a sample demonstrating the issue with replication steps along with platform details. Please let us know if you have any other queries.


Vijayakumar V

Attachment: MAUITabView_14828c38.zip

IV Ivan April 3, 2023 05:17 PM UTC


Thanks for your response. Unfortunately the recommendation above did not work. There is no data loaded async so I used your example to get some data loaded async and displayed on the content area.

Once the lata is loaded you will notice that the page doesn't scroll all the way down - I am only testing this on iOS.

Attachment: MAUITabView12_with_data_loaded_async_c5092d59.zip

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