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UploaderTemplates with Progress and Thumbnails


  1. On page load display some previously loaded files. This can be achieved using using a for loop to create
  2. Next i want to display a thumbnail of the imaged, now this is relatively straight forward but by using an uploaderTemplate i loose the progress bar.
  3. HOW do i replicate the progress bar in a UploaderTemplate?
  4. Its worth mentioning i am using sever site webapi

1 Reply

SP Sureshkumar P Syncfusion Team March 17, 2023 09:56 AM UTC

Hi Andrew,

We suggest you use the progressbar component to showcase the progress bar when using the uploader as a template feature.

Find the code example here:

<SfUploader @ref="uploderObj" ID="UploadFiles" AllowedExtensions=".png,.jpeg,jpg" SequentialUpload="true" Multiple="false">

                <UploaderEvents ValueChange="onChange" BeforeUpload="onBeforeUpload" OnRemove="onRemove" Success="onSuccess"></UploaderEvents>



                        <span class="wrapper">

                            <img class="upload-image" alt="Image"

                                 src="@(files.Count >0 ? files.Where(item=>item.Name == context.Name)?.FirstOrDefault()?.Path : string.Empty)">



                        @if (isVisible)


                            <SfProgressBar Type="ProgressType.Linear" Height="40"

                                       Value="100" Minimum="0" Maximum="100" IsIndeterminate="true">

                                <ProgressBarAnimation Enable="true" Duration="2000" Delay="0" />



                        <div class="name file-name" title="@(context.Name)">@(context.Name)</div>

                        <div class="file-size">@(context.Size)</div>

                        <span class="e-icons e-file-remove-btn remove" id="removeIcon" title="Remove"></span>

                        <span class="e-upload-icon e-icons e-file-remove-btn" title="Upload" id="iconUpload"></span>





public void onBeforeUpload(BeforeUploadEventArgs args)


        isVisible = true;


    public void onSuccess(SuccessEventArgs args)


        isVisible = false;


Find the sample in the attachment:


Sureshkumar P

Attachment: BlazorApp2_47419403.zip

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