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Changing the verb used by URLAdaptor in Grid


I am having a problem with inline editing in the grid where a delete request is returning a 405 Method Not Allowed response from my server. 

I am not able to change the config of the server, as this will be rolled out to hundreds of individual clients servers, so is there a way I can change the verb used by the URLAdaptor delete request to a simple GET or POST and then provide a specific RemoveURL so I ca identify it as a delete request? 


adam toone

1 Reply

JC Joseph Christ Nithin Issack Syncfusion Team March 13, 2023 07:47 PM UTC

Hi Adam,

  Greetings from Syncfusion support.

   Before proceeding with the solution, we would like you to share the below details.

  • Explain your requirement in detail.
  • Complete grid rendering code.
  • Simple sample you are using.
  • Video demo explaining your requirement.
  • Syncfusion package version.


Joseph I.

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