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ShowDialog and Move with TouchMove Event


I am displaying a window as a Popup via the ShowDialog() method (TouchMove Event), the WindowsState property is set to Normal.

When I try to move it with the mouse everything is ok, if I try to move it with the touch I have to make more touches on the title then I can drag.

It doesn't seem to take the touch.

6 Replies

KA Karthick Arjunan Syncfusion Team March 13, 2023 12:27 PM UTC

Hi Edoardo,

We were unable to reproduce the reported issue with provided details. We have attached the tested sample for your reference and also attached the video reference in which we moved it with the touch and it works fine as expected.

Could you please provide us more details such as complete code snippet or revert us with modify the attached sample in the reproduced state that will be helpful us to provide the solution as soon as possible.


Karthick Arjunan

Attachment: ChromelessWindowDragDemo_b1321e64.zip

EG Edoardo Gazzola March 13, 2023 02:48 PM UTC

Hi  Karthick,

It actually works, I think it's a small titlebar problem.

I noticed that it is possible to increase the height via the "TitleBarHeight" property but in the attached project it doesn't work.

Do you know if it is possible to increase the icons as well...?

Thank you

Attachment: wpfappmaster_77247db7.zip

KA Karthick Arjunan Syncfusion Team March 14, 2023 02:26 PM UTC


We are currently checking with our development team and update the complete details by tomorrow (March 15, 2023).  We appreciate your patience until then.

EG Edoardo Gazzola March 14, 2023 02:28 PM UTC

Hi  Karthick,

Perfect ... I await your directives.


KA Karthick Arjunan Syncfusion Team March 15, 2023 12:50 PM UTC


You can increase the icon size by adding icon with Image using the LeftHeaderItemsSource property of ChromelessWindow and disable the default icon by setting ShowIcon as False as per the below code snippet.

<syncfusion:ChromelessWindow x:Class="Keyboards.KeypadWindow"










                             Title="Keypad" Height="450" Width="350"

                             ShowIcon="False" TitleBarHeight="50"








                Source="/Keyboards;component/Images/Boxes.ico" />





We have also attached the modified sample for your requirement. Please download the sample in the attachment and let us know if you have any other queries.

Attachment: wpfappmaster_77247db7_(2)_5552ad3a.zip

EG Edoardo Gazzola March 15, 2023 03:13 PM UTC

Thank you Mr Karthick...

Great job done

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