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How to setup margins in code ?

I found this link here and it works fine but I was wondered if there is any documentation to setup these values in the Blazor / BoldReportsApiController ? (Something like this one here for Asp.Net MVC)

       // Method will be called when report is loaded internally to start the layout process with ReportHelper.


        public void OnReportLoaded(ReportViewerOptions reportOption)


            reportOption.ReportModel.ReportDefinition.Page.BottomMargin = ??????


2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

SD Sathesh Dhanasekaran Syncfusion Team March 10, 2023 12:30 PM UTC

Hi Ben Junior,

Thanks for contacting Bold Reports Support,

We can setup the margin in OnInitReportOptions using  ReportSerializer.

BoldReports.RDL.DOM.ReportSerializer reportSerializer = new BoldReports.RDL.DOM.ReportSerializer();

We will share the sample for this by Mar 13, 2023.

AM Arumugasami Murugesan Syncfusion Team March 14, 2023 03:02 PM UTC

Ben Junior,

Sorry for the delay,

If you want to setup the margin in code, you need to add the below code snippet. We have prepared and attached a sample Blazor application for your reference.


In Index.razor

// Used to render the Bold Report Viewer component in Blazor page.

    public async void RenderReportViewer()


        viewerOptions.ReportName = "sales-order-detail";

        viewerOptions.ServiceURL = "/api/BoldReportsAPI";

        viewerOptions.pageSettings = new List<PageSettings>();

        PageSettings margins = new PageSettings();

        margins.top = 0.75;

        margins.right = 0.5;

        margins.bottom = 0.5;

        margins.left = 0.25;


        await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("BoldReports.RenderViewer", "report-viewer", viewerOptions);


In boldreports-interop.js

// Interop file to render the Bold Report Viewer component with properties.

window.BoldReports = {

    RenderViewer: function (elementID, reportViewerOptions) {

        $("#" + elementID).boldReportViewer({

            reportPath: reportViewerOptions.reportName,

            reportServiceUrl: reportViewerOptions.serviceURL,

            pageSettings: {

                margins: {

                    top: reportViewerOptions.pageSettings[0].top, right: reportViewerOptions.pageSettings[0].right,

                    bottom: reportViewerOptions.pageSettings[0].bottom, left: reportViewerOptions.pageSettings[0].left








Attachment: Blazor_server_App_93ba9b16.zip

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