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Using firefox I cannot add a "Subject" here in the forum

Dear Syncfusion

When using Firefox, I do not get the text field "Subject" in this forum when trying to create a new thread.

Works on Chrome though.


2 Replies

KS Kaviyapriya Suriamoorthy Syncfusion Team March 9, 2023 02:22 PM UTC

Hi Dominik

On or before March 13, 2023, we will resolve this reported issue. In the meantime, please try to create the forum using any other browser.



VY Vijayakumar Yoganandan Syncfusion Team March 13, 2023 09:11 AM UTC

Hi Dominik,

Thanks for your patience. We have fixed the issue, and now the subject field is shown properly in Firefox, and you can create the forums using it as well.


Vijayakumar Y.

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