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Gantt Chart Export doesnt show holiday markers

Any sugestion why when i'm export gantt chart it doesnt show the holiday markers?

1 Reply

GM Gopinath Munusamy Syncfusion Team March 6, 2023 10:29 AM UTC

Hi Nabil,

As of now, we do not have support for export the holiday labels with Gantt Chart. However, we have already logged a feature request for the requirement. You can track the status of the feature from the feedback link given below.

Feedback:  https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/15817/provide-complete-ui-design-in-exported-pdf-document

As we have already lined up some major features, we could not implement this support immediately. We will implement this and include it in any of our upcoming releases. Please cast your vote on this feature. Based on the customer demand we will prioritize the features in our upcoming road map.


Gopinath M

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