I need to import a bitmap or image with the lowest resolution. How can I do it with bitmap tool?
Hi Blanca,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
We are currently validating on your requirement to adjust the resolution of the image imported through the Bitmap Tool and will provide you with an update no later than the end of the day.
Ok, I will waiting for it, thanks
Hi Blanca,
We have achieved your requirement to set the desired resolution for the image imported into diagram using a custom BitmapTool as shown in the code below.
public class CustomBitmapTool: BitmapTool { public CustomBitmapTool(DiagramController controller) : base(controller) { this.Name = "CustomBitmapTool"; }
public override Node CreateNode(Image imgToInsert, RectangleF rectNodeBounds) { if (imgToInsert is Bitmap bitmap) { bitmap.SetResolution(72, 72); }
return base.CreateNode(imgToInsert, rectNodeBounds); } } this.diagram1.Controller.RegisterTool(customBitmapTool); |
We have also attached the sample for your reference. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
Thank you, it works fine.
I have a last question, how can I export a bitmap image from .edd screen? Export to my computer.
Sometimes I need to export a image that I don't have or lose, how can I do this?
Hi Blanca
To export a single node as an image, kindly visit the following user guide link:
Link: How To Convert Diagram Node To Any Image | Diagram | Windows Forms | Syncfusion
In case we have misunderstood your requirements, please provide us with additional information.