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Custom IsEnable for each item in CheckListBox

I have a checklistbox which those item have two Property [ Name, IsEnable ]
I want each checklistbox item have Property IsEnable=true so user can only select when IsEnable = true

 <syncfusion:CheckListBox Margin="162,52,162,52" IsSelectAllEnabled="False" ItemsSource="{Binding FolderItems}"







                    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">

                        <TextBlock FontWeight="Bold"


                           Text="{Binding Name}"






1 Reply

GT Gokul Thanudhas Syncfusion Team February 22, 2023 04:52 PM UTC

You can achieve your requirement by customizing the CheckListBoxItem Style. We have prepared a simple sample based on your requirement. Please refer to the sample for your reference

Code Snippets

<Style TargetType="syncfusion:CheckListBoxItem">

     <Setter Property="IsEnabled" Value="{Binding IsEnable}"/>


Attachment: CheckListBox_3650161a.zip

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