Hi SyncFusion team,
I have just updated to the latest charts package (20.4.50) and the SpineAreaChart seems to have an issue. The area under the line is not shaded correctly anymore - instead the first and last point of the series are joined by a curved line and the area between the curved line and the spline series is filled?
Have you seen this issue before? See screenshow below.
Many Thanks
SplineAreaSeries<EquityData, DateTime>(
animationDelay: 0,
animationDuration: 0,
opacity: 0.2,
enableTooltip: true,
dataSource: controller.equityData,
borderColor: const Color.fromRGBO(0, 193, 187, 1),
color: Colors.white54,
borderDrawMode: BorderDrawMode.excludeBottom,
borderWidth: 1,
xValueMapper: (EquityData equity, _) => equity.x as DateTime,
yValueMapper: (EquityData equity, _) => equity.y,