Hi Kavit,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
We suspect that your requirement is to expand the detail row
even if the parent Grid is updated. We would like to inform that when we
perform edit in parent Grid then the detail template will moves to collapsed
state and this is the default behavior of DataGrid. Also we would like inform
that we have an inbuilt method, ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync that allows
you to expand and collapse the detail row by passing in the particular row data
as a parameter. We have attached a code snippet for your reference, which should
make it easy for you to implement this feature in your application.
So you can call this method after updating the data using
SetCellValueAsync method.
await Grid.ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync(Data); // pass the
row data
Reference: https://help.syncfusion.com/cr/blazor/Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.SfGrid-1.html#Syncfusion_Blazor_Grids_SfGrid_1_DetailExpandCollapseRow__0_
We hope this information is helpful and resolves any
concerns you may have had. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have
any further questions or need additional assistance.