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SFsignature control will only display image if the control is visible at all times on the page.

I have page that includes a login form and on successful submit will set a bool to true to show another editform with a signature control to display an image from the loadasync method (variable chkInSignature).   The signature will not display in the edit form.  I added the same code outside of the if  block which is always visible on the form and it does display and it uses the same variable chkInSignature.   I attached the code in the zip file.   Thanks for your help cause I can't figure out why it will not display in both controls pointing to the same place.


Attachment: Attendance_45af164a.zip

2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

LA Larry February 4, 2023 04:16 AM UTC

Added a video 

Attachment: Signature_not_displaying_ac9f13a0.zip

YA YuvanShankar Arunagiri Syncfusion Team February 6, 2023 10:15 AM UTC

Hi Larry,

We have checked your reported query and to resolve this issue, kindly use LoadAsync method in Created event of the signature component shown as below.

<EditForm Model="@editorModel">

    <DataAnnotationsValidator />

    <div class="form-group">

        <label for="employee-name">Employee Name:</label>

        <SfTextBox ID="employee-name"></SfTextBox>

        <ValidationMessage For="@(() => editorModel.Name)"></ValidationMessage>

        <SfSignature Disabled=true @ref="chkInSignature" Created="OnCreated" style="width:500px; height:200px"></SfSignature>





private async Task OnCreated()


        await chkInSignature.LoadAsync("your URL", 500, 200);


Get back to us if you need any further assistance on this. 


YuvanShankar A

Attachment: Index_138b59c8.zip

Marked as answer
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