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Protected Highlight is same color as UserColor so text is essentially invisible

I have a docx that is Restricted Edit protected with an area for the user to enter text.  When I load the word document and set the CurrentUser and UserColor then the protected area highlight color is the same as the user color.  The Default Guest User and color work fine, but once I set TestUserName, the color becomes the same as the set userColor.

<SfDocumentEditorContainer @ref="container" EnableTrackChanges="true" CurrentUser="TestUserName" UserColor="#f2f2d5" EnableComment="false" RestrictEditing="false" ShowPropertiesPane="true" ToolbarItems="@Items" Height="100%">
  <DocumentEditorContainerEvents Created="OnCreated"></DocumentEditorContainerEvents>

Attachment: TestDoc_8b57dcaa.zip

2 Replies

KM Kavitha Muralitharan Syncfusion Team February 2, 2023 03:19 PM UTC

Hi Paul,

Currently, we are checking the reported issue with provided document and will update details by February 3, 2023.


Kavitha M


KM Kavitha Muralitharan Syncfusion Team February 6, 2023 08:41 AM UTC

Hi Paul,

The Document Editor should use the predefined color for highlighting the editable region. We do not give random colors for the editable region. You can use the public API to set the color of the editable region depending on the current user's color. You can highlight the editable region of the current user using the userColor property. You can refer to the UG documentation for more information in the below link.

UG Link: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/documentation/document-editor/restrict-editing/#highlighting-the-text-area


Kavitha M

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