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Adding Tooltip to Scheduler Cell (dynamic) (es5)


I'm using Scheduler (es5), and everything works great. I completely override the cell rendering, like this:

scheduleObj = new ej.schedule.Schedule({
        selectedDate: new Date(2023, 1, 15),
        views: [{ option: 'TimelineMonth', interval: 2 }],
        cellTemplate: '${renderCalendarCell(data)}',
        cellClick: onCellClick

function renderCalendarCell(data) {
    if (data.type == 'monthCells') {
        return '<div id="myCalculatedUniqueIdGoesHere"></div>';
Everything works. Now, I'd like to add ToolTip to the various <div> I've created. It looks like I cannot understand WHEN to "myTooltip.appendTo('#myCalculatedUniqueIdGoesHere')". If I put the Tooltip creation right after the scheduleObj.appendTo('#schedulePlaceholder'), it fails, because I think the scheduleObj is not rendered in the DOM yet, therefore the myCalculatedUniqueIdGoesHere div does not exist yet. When is the proper time to call myTooltip.appendTo('#myCalculatedUniqueIdGoesHere')? Could I async/await the scheduleObj.appendTo('#schedulePlaceholder') somehow? Thank you in advance, I hope the problem is clear!...

1 Reply

RV Ravikumar Venkatesan Syncfusion Team January 12, 2023 04:56 PM UTC

Hi Dave,

Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-js-schedule-cell-template-with-tooltip?file=index.js

You can achieve your requirement in the dataBound event of the Schedule as shown in the below code snippet.


var scheduleObj = new ej.schedule.Schedule({

    navigating: (args=> {

        updateTooltip = true;


    dataBound: (args=> {

        if (updateTooltip) {

            var listOfEle = document.querySelectorAll('#myCalculatedUniqueIdGoesHere');

            if (listOfEle.length > 0) {

                for (var i = 0i < listOfEle.lengthi++) {

                    var tooltip = new ej.popups.Tooltip({

                        content: "Let's go green to save the planet!!"





            updateTooltip = false;





Ravikumar Venkatesan

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