It is possible to select multiple appointments with CTRL + left click.
I noticed that I would get all the selected appointments in the PopupOpenEventArgs.data
I also noticed that the selected appointments have a css class e-appointment-border, but we don't like to query on a specific css class to get this kind of information.
There is currently no property or method on the scheduler to get all selected appointments.
Is there an other way of getting all our selected appointments without first having to go through the pop up open event or use a query on the css class ?
Hi Pol,
We recommend that you use the schedule's select event to select the appointments by holding down the Ctrl key
in the schedule.
Sample: https://stackblitz.com/edit/ej2-angular-schedule-multiple-app-selection?file=src%2Fapp.component.ts
<ejs-schedule [eventSettings]='eventSettings' (select)="onAppointmentSelect($event)" #scheduleObj> </ejs-schedule> |
export class AppComponent { public selectedAppointments: Record<string, any>[] = [];
public onAppointmentSelect(args: any): void { if (args.event && args.event.ctrlKey && args.requestType === 'eventSelect') { let index: number = this.selectedAppointments.findIndex(appointment => appointment.Id === args.data.Id); if (index < 0) { //select the appointments using ctrl+click it stores in the array this.selectedAppointments.push(args.data); } else if(this.selectedAppointments.length > 1) { //unselect the appointment it removes in the array this.selectedAppointments.splice(index, 1); } } else { this.selectedAppointments = []; } console.log(this.selectedAppointments); } } |
Vijay Ravi
Thank you I will try that.
Try the shared solution and let us know if you need any further assistance on this.
Yes, It works.
Thank you.
I will further add the appointment to the array when just normal selecting or else there will be a weird interaction whenever the user clicked the first appointment with left click and then the second one with a CTRL left click.
In that case the first appointment wouldn't be added to the array.
But thank you for the suggested solution!
Hi Pol,
You can get the selected appointment list before the popupOpen event execution or without using query selectors with help of the getSelectedAppointments method as shown in the below code snippet.
public onAppointmentSelect(args: any): void { if(args.requestType === 'eventSelect' && this.scheduleObj.eventBase) { let selectedEvents = this.scheduleObj.eventBase.getSelectedAppointments(); console.log(selectedEvents); } } |
Ravikumar Venkatesan
Thank you, it works.
I couldn't find this in the
getSelectedAppointments method in your documentation
Am I perhaps looking at a wrong location?
You are looking at the correct location. The getSelectedAppointments is an internal method of the Schedule eventBase module. So, that is not exposed in the API list.