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FilterRow can't filter by double value.

Is there option to filter data at FilterRow by decimal/double value? For example in this case I want to select all rows where unit price is $1.30 but this field at FilterRow does not accept any decimal separator (,) (.) so there is no option to filter it


1 Reply

SJ Sathiyathanam Jeyakumar Syncfusion Team January 9, 2023 01:45 PM UTC

Hi Ante,

By default a SfNumericTextBox will be loaded as a edit element of GridNumericColumn FilterRow. As per your requirement “To filter the numeric decimal values” can be achieved by changing the FilterRowEditorType of a GridNumericcolumn from "NumericTextBox" to "MultiSelectComboBox." In this case, the numeric values are listed in a comboBox, and you can be able to select and press ok then the selected value gets filtered.

sfDataGrid1.Columns.Add(new GridTextColumn()


MappingName = "EmployeeID", HeaderText = "Employee ID", FilterRowEditorType = "MultiSelectComboBox"




UG Link : https://help.syncfusion.com/windowsforms/datagrid/filterrow#built-in-filterrow-editor-types

Let us know if you need any further assistance on this.



Attachment: Sample_5070ecdc.zip

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