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The "Undo" button does not work properly when user deletes the table in the doc file

Hi teams,

Team can help me to check some errors below:

The "Undo" button does not work properly when user deletes the table in the doc file.

I have converted "file-sample_100kB.doc" to "file-sample_100kB.docx". The "Undo" button works normally.

Please see attached video.


Attachment: NotWorkProperlyDeleteTableFileDoc_11918eb3.zip

6 Replies

TN Thien Ngo January 6, 2023 03:14 AM UTC

I have a few updates for this issue:

  1. When I access this link for React JS, I get a CSS error, can you check it for me?

Link for ReactJS: React DocumentEditor Default Functionalities Example - Syncfusion Demos

2. I used the JavaScript link as below and it worked normally. 

You can see more attached files,

Link for Javascript: Javascript DocumentEditor Default Functionalities Example - Syncfusion Demos

Attachment: 179822_REC_20230106101019698_1c0c9dc.zip

TJ Theveshwar Jayakumar Syncfusion Team January 11, 2023 04:36 PM UTC

Hi Thien,

Greetings from Syncfusion support

We have considered "The CSS not loading in react demos" as an bug at our end and planned resolve this issue on or before January 19th, 2023, you can track status of this issue in the below attached feedback link.

Feedback Link: Need to resolve the issue in react demos page while opening the sample in (open in new tab) in React | Feedback Portal (syncfusion.com)

And we have created a separate forum ticket for the issue "The "Undo" button does not work properly when user deletes the table in the doc file" to the concern team. So, kindly follow the below ticket for further updates on the reported issue.

Ticket: https://www.syncfusion.com/forums/179908/the-undo-button-does-not-work-properly-when-user-deletes-the-table-in-the-doc-file-branched

Please get back to us if you have any concerns



TN Thien Ngo January 12, 2023 03:51 AM UTC

Hi Theveshwar,

I have seen ticket 179908.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


TJ Theveshwar Jayakumar Syncfusion Team January 20, 2023 04:28 AM UTC

Hi Thien,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused,

We could not include the fix for "The CSS not loading in react demos" with our patch release as planned. However, we have prioritized this fix and planned to include the fix in our 2023 volume 4 service pack release which is scheduled to be rolled out on January 31, 2023.

Until then we appreciate your patience



TN Thien Ngo January 30, 2023 03:44 AM UTC

Hi  Theveshwar,

Thank you very much.

Currently, we are using this link:

Sample link : https://stackblitz.com/edit/sualqu-sreo9x?file=index.ts,index.html,package.json,title-bar.ts

TJ Theveshwar Jayakumar Syncfusion Team February 14, 2023 04:23 AM UTC

Hi Thien,

Sorry for the delay caused.

We have resolved the issue "The CSS not loading in react demos" you are facing with our react demos page while opening in new tab. Please refer the below attached the demos link.

Demos Link:  React DocumentEditor Default Functionalities Example - Syncfusion Demos

Please get back to us if you need further assistance.



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