If the user doesn't select from the list and I want to use what the user has entered? I noticed the control doesnt have a Text property?
I want to use this control in a TableView. A form to be filled in and the submitted. I would then read all of the Entries and store in a database. As a result I want to read the Entry text fields. The user may not have selected from the Autocomplete control provided list. I am using the control as suggestions. The user may enter a unique string, i.e. address.
Hi David,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
We have created a feature request for the Text property support in SfAutoComplete control. Please find the below link for tracking the status of the feature implementation.
Feedback link: https://www.syncfusion.com/feedback/40176/add-text-property-support-to-sfautocomplete
This feature will be available from the volume 1 release of 2023 tentatively at the end of March/2023. We appreciate your patience until then.
If you have any more specifications/suggestions for the feature request, you can add them as a comment in the portal. We will share the release details in the feedback itself.
Vijayakumar V
I see the text property has been added, but can it be made write as well, not just read only?
Hi Phunction,
Thanks for your patience.
As you mentioned, the Text property was added to the SfAutoComplete in the Volume 1 release of 2023. With the Text property as read-only, We can achieve the current requirement of reading the user input and storing the entered text in the database. We would like to know the use case scenario where the Text property is being used for setting the value, and this information will help us to assist you better.
Arunachalam K
How do I set the initial value of the field? IE, if you are letting a user edit already entered data, how do I set this to show what was entered previously/loaded from the a DB?
Hi Phunction,
We have planned to provide the setter functionality for the Text property of SfAutocomplete in the Volume 2 release, tentatively at the end of June/2023. We appreciate your patience until then.
I too need this update
Ive tried (nuget) to update syncfusion.maui.inputs to 21.1.38 but it fails on
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error NU1301 Failed to retrieve information about 'Syncfusion.Maui.Core' from remote source 'https://packagesource/FindPackagesById()?id='Syncfusion.Maui.Core'&semVerLevel=2.0.0'.
Error NU1301 Failed to retrieve information about 'Syncfusion.Maui.ListView' from remote source 'https://packagesource/FindPackagesById()?id='Syncfusion.Maui.ListView'&semVerLevel=2.0.0'.
any idea how I get round this
I found setting the SelectedItem will cause the autocomplete to show the value, however, how do I clear the text it currently shows?
Setting SelectedItem to null does not work.
I created a blank entry in the collection for now and set it to that one, is that the correct method?
Hi Phunction,
Query 1: "SelectedItem will cause the autocomplete to show the value, however, how do I clear the text it currently shows"
We have prepared the workaround for clearing the text from the input of SfAutoComplete. For your reference, please get the sample from the attachment and let us know if it meets your expectations.
Query 2: "Setting SelectedItem to null does not work."
Currently, We are validating the reported query and we will share the details on or before April 14, 2023. We appreciate your patience until then.
Arunachalam K
Hi John,
Query: "I've tried (nuget) to update syncfusion.maui.inputs to 21.1.38 but it fails on"
We have reviewed the reported query, and the issue did not reproduce on our end. For your reference, please get the sample from the attachment. We suggest updating the dependency-based package like 'Syncfusion.Maui.Core' and 'Syncfusion.Maui.ListVIew'. After that update the Syncfusion.Maui.Inputs. Please let us know if you have any other queries.
Arunachalam K
Hi Phunction,
We have validated and fixed the reported issue “Setting SelectedItem to null does not work” in SfAutoComplete. Currently, the custom patch was generated in the 21.1.39 version. We have shared the NuGet file in the attachment.
Please note that we have created this patch for version 21.1.39 specifically, to resolve the issue reported in this ticket. If you have received other patches for the same version for other products, please apply all patches in the order received.
Note: Please refer to the below link to apply the custom patch,
We will include the fix in our upcoming weekly release on April 25/2023. We appreciate your patience until then.
Disclaimer: The inclusion of this solution in the weekly release may change due to other factors, including but not limited to QA checks and work reprioritization.
Arunachalam K
Can we include another item in the patch? Right now when entering text it does not automatically capitalize the first letter as a normal edit text field would. Can this be added as an option?
Hi Phunction,
We need some clarification regarding capitalizing the first letter in the SfAutocomplete control. Can you please let us know whether you are getting the lowercase while manually typing the letters using the Android soft keyboard (You can switch to capital letters in the keyboard and type which will enter a capital letter in the control) or you are providing the text at runtime to the Autocomplete control via SelectedItem property which displays the text in lower case.
It happens when manually typing into the text box with the soft keyboard. Usually, when you start typing text into an edit text field, the keyboard will automatically capitalize the first letter typed, but this does not happen on the sfautocomplete control.
Hi Phunction,
We were able to replicate the reported behavior in the Framework Entry control also, as demonstrated in the attached video. Kindly provide information on the control that was functioning as anticipated on the requested behavior, as well as the device details used during the testing.