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Digital Signature PdfLoadedDocument openAndRepair does not detect digital signatures ... PdfLoadedForm nothing

i use PdfLoadedDocument with openAndRepair = True and it does not detect digital signatures

in this file pdf version 1.7 

PdfLoadedForm = nothing 

Dim pdfdoc As New PdfLoadedDocument(OpenFileDialog1.FileName, True)

Dim form As PdfLoadedForm = pdfdoc.Form

however it worked fine with other files of same pdf version 1.7 or less

i tested using latest nuget for windows forms

Attachment: repair_removes_signatures_1.7_450cf11d.zip

2 Replies 1 reply marked as answer

IJ Irfana Jaffer Sadhik Syncfusion Team December 16, 2022 04:37 AM UTC

Since our 2022 volume 4 release is expected to be rolled out upcoming week. So there will be no weekly release this week. We will include the fix for the reported issue in our upcoming weekly NuGet release once our Volume 4 is rolled out which we excepted on mid of December.


Please use the below feedback link to track the status of the reported bug,


Marked as answer

JA Jacobs January 8, 2023 11:06 AM UTC

Hello Irfana,

Happy new year ... i tested the latest nugget release and the issue has been solved.

Thanks alot for your support.

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