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SfRadioButton color changes to black when mouseover instead of remaining unchecked color

Is it possible to disable the behavior where hovering over an unchecked radio button causes the circle to change to black if the unchecked color is set to something else like light gray?

Sample Code:

<buttons:SfRadioButton Grid.Row="1"

                               Text="Checked Radio Button"



                               UncheckedColor="LightGray" />

<buttons:SfRadioButton Grid.Row="1"


                               Text="Unchecked Radio Button"



                               IsChecked="False" />

1 Reply 1 reply marked as answer

SR Shivani Ramakrishnan Syncfusion Team December 7, 2022 11:38 AM UTC

Hi Michael,

Query: SfRadioButton Color Is Changed To Black While MouseHover.

We have checked your query. Currently we don't have any properties to change the color. But we have used the resource key "RadioButtonOuterEllipseStrokePointerOver" to change the color while hovering the mouse in the UWP App.xaml file. We have prepare the sample and please get it from the attachment. Here is the code snippet:

            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="RadioButtonOuterEllipseStrokePointerOver" Color="LightGray"/>

Please let us know if you need any other details.



Attachment: SampleRadioButton_a1301535.zip

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