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Access to XMLHttpRequest blocked by CORS policy

I am using the word Processor server docker images. 

I got CORS error:

Screenshot from 2022-11-29 20-35-35.png

Here is my code:

<div id="app">
<ejs-documenteditorcontainer ref="container" height="900px" id='container' :enableToolbar='true'></ejs-documenteditorcontainer>
import Vue from 'vue';
import {
} from '@syncfusion/ej2-vue-documenteditor';

export default {
data: function() {
return {
mounted: function() {
var dataContext = this;
var uploadDocument = new FormData();
uploadDocument.append('DocumentName', 'app/Data/Getting Started.docx');
var baseUrl = 'http://localhost:6002/api/documenteditor/LoadDocument';
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.open('POST', baseUrl, true);
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) {
if (httpRequest.status === 200 || httpRequest.status === 304) {
//Open the document in DocumentEditor

@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-inputs/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-popups/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-lists/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-navigations/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-splitbuttons/styles/material.css';
@import '../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-dropdowns/styles/material.css';
@import "../node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-vue-documenteditor/styles/material.css";

4 Replies

SM Suriya Murugan Syncfusion Team November 30, 2022 01:26 PM UTC

Anji, Can you please change this line uploadDocument.append('DocumentName', 'app/Data/Getting Started.docx'); like below

uploadDocument.append('DocumentName', 'Getting Started.docx');

Please let us know if you still having problem.

AN Anji replied to Suriya Murugan November 30, 2022 10:56 PM UTC

Screenshot from 2022-11-30 14-10-08.png

Screenshot from 2022-11-30 16-56-01.png

It still not working

AN Anji November 30, 2022 11:25 PM UTC

I change this.$refs to dataContext.$refs sovle theproblem

SM Suriya Murugan Syncfusion Team December 9, 2022 04:33 AM UTC

Anji, we are glad that you have resolved your issue at your end and thanks for sharing it with us.

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