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How to set DropdownGridCell dropdown window size

Hello, I am using the DropdownGridCellModel and DropdownGridCellRenderer from \Grid\Samples\In Depth\DropdownGrid\CS sample as a celltype in my GridControl. It works fine to display the data. My question is: How to set the dropdown window size according to needs? I want to set the dropdown window size to just show the rows and columns in the embedded grid control(which contains a few rows and columns but is not a fixed number).

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 20, 2004 05:56 PM UTC

Try handling the CurrentCellShowingDropDown event. There, set e.Size to the size you want to see for the dropdown for the currentcell which you can get from grid.CurrenctCell.RowIndex and ColIndex.

DL Dongxian Li July 22, 2004 03:57 PM UTC

Thanks. That solves my problem. dongxian

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