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Moving rowheader arrow programatically

How do you move the row header arrow programmatically in a GDBG, without changing currently selected rows? Also, could you explain what the row header arrow is indicating? When I select rows from code, the arrow always stays at its last position. FYI I''m still using V1.6* Thanks, Doug

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 20, 2004 12:54 PM UTC

The arrow points to the position in the CurrencyManager object for the bindingcontext of the grid. So code like this would be one way to set it. CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.grid.BindingContext[this.grid.DataSource, this.grid.DataMember]; cm.Position = someZeroBasedValue; Another way is to set the grid.Binder.CurrentPosition property.

DL Doug Lind July 20, 2004 05:48 PM UTC

Thanks Clay, It worked well! >The arrow points to the position in the CurrencyManager object for the bindingcontext of the grid. So code like this would be one way to set it. > >CurrencyManager cm = (CurrencyManager)this.grid.BindingContext[this.grid.DataSource, this.grid.DataMember]; >cm.Position = someZeroBasedValue; > > >Another way is to set the grid.Binder.CurrentPosition property.

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