IS this slated to be added?
Reason being, if the user clicks the scrool bar after this code, the gridlistcontrol looses its focus and the mouse scroll no longer works.
>This is not currently supported due to a technical problem.
>To simple way to get the mousewheel to work is to give the control input focus. But if the list gets input focus, then the grid will lose focus and its form''s title bar will flicker. If you want to see this behavior, you can set the focus in CurrentCellShowingDropdown and teh mosue wheel will work for you.
>private void gridControl1_CurrentCellShowedDropDown(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
> GridDropDownGridListControlCellRenderer cr = this.gridControl1.CurrentCell.Renderer as GridDropDownGridListControlCellRenderer;
> if(cr != null)
> {
> //cr.ListControlPart.CausesValidation = false;
> cr.ListControlPart.Focus();
> }
>The way to get this to work without this focus issue is handle WM_NOTIFY and reflected messages in teh grid''s WndProc. We have not done this yet.