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Center aligning an Image in the Column

Hi! I am using Image in the Grid column. The Image is aligned in the upper left portion of the Grid. I want it center aligned. I am setting Imagelist and ImageIndex property for GridStyleInfo. Is there a way I set a image to a column and the image shows center aligned in all the Cells for that column. Please Help...

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 29, 2004 06:24 AM UTC

If you are using the 2.0 code base, you canuse teh "Image" celltype and set the ImageSizeMode to CenterImage. //for GridDataBoundGrid, get the style from GridBoundColumn.StyleInfo instead of grid.ColStyles GridStyleInfo style = this.gridControl1.ColStyles[2]; style.ImageIndex = 0; style.ImageList = list; style.CellType = "Image"; style.ImageSizeMode = GridImageSizeMode.CenterImage;

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