Amazing, thank you! I wouldn’t have thought of this approach.
What would be the easiest way to access corresponding event/appointment data within the dataBound handler to identify start/end time overlaps?
Can the same overlapping of events be done in the Timeline views with resources?
onDataBound: function () { let scheduleObj = this.$refs.ScheduleObj; if (["TimelineDay"].indexOf(scheduleObj.ej2Instances.currentView) > -1) { let appointments = scheduleObj.ej2Instances.element.querySelectorAll( ".e-appointment" ); for (let i = 0; i < appointments.length; i++) { let eventData = scheduleObj.getEventDetails(appointments[i]); if (!scheduleObj.isSlotAvailable(eventData)) { console.log("Slot is not available for the below Appointment"); console.log(eventData); } let dataGroupIndex = scheduleObj.getIndexFromResourceId( eventData.OwnerId ); let offSetTop = scheduleObj.$el.querySelector( '[data-group-index="' + dataGroupIndex + '"]' ).offsetTop; let top = offSetTop + 2; appointments[i] = top.toString() + "px"; } } }, |