Hi Matic ,
Greetings from Syncfusion support
Query 1 : Is it possible to combine batch editing and dialog editing using some condition.
It is not possible to combine those two type of editing in single grid. Because in Batch editing, the editing is done based on single cell it will be saved when you click on other cell. But in Dialog editing a new dialog will open when you start the edit and the grid will save only the Save button clicked. Due to this, the combination of both two editing is not possible.
Query 2 : When specifying CRUD operations, why are always POST request triggered.
Generally request type like POST, PUT and DELETE is only for WebAPI Adaptors. Currently we do not have support for WebAPI Adaptor with batch editing. We have logged an feature task for this.
Please get back to us if you need further assistance
Prasanna Kumar N.S.V