Hi Raul,
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support.
Query: “is ObservableCollection the only way to dynamically bind a datasource? I mean it seems like a step backwards from the way it used to work”
From your query, we suspect that you are facing issue while changing the datasource dynamically / externally in Grid. While using ObservableCollection changes done externally like Add, Delete, Update item will be reflected automatically in Grid without any external action.
But if you are binding the datasource in form of IEnumerable collection, after the changing the datasource. You need to call Refresh() method of Grid to reflect the changes done externally. Because tracking items of IEnumerable for changes done externally is avoided for performance considerations.
Refer the below code example.
<EjsButton OnClick="Clik">Save</EjsButton>
<EjsGrid @ref="GridInstance" AllowPaging="true" DataSource="@Orders" Toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Cancel", "Update" })">
. . . . . . . . .
public static EjsGrid<Order> GridInstance { get; set; }
public void Clik()
{//call refresh method after changing the datasource externally
} |
If above solution does not resolve your query, kindly get back to us with more details about your issue or requirement.
Vignesh Natarajan.