I'm used the control map with asp.net 3.0 but I have this error:
My code
<ejs-maps id="maps" load="window.onMapLoad" shapeSelected="window.shapeSelected">
<e-layer dataSource="ViewBag.electiondata" shapeData="ViewBag.usmap" shapeDataPath="State" shapePropertyPath="name">
Description error:
The <e-layers> tag is not allowed by parent <ejs-maps> tag helper. Only child tags with name(s) 'e-maps-layers, e-maps-annotations, e-maps-titlesettings, e-maps-zoomsettings, e-maps-centerposition, e-maps-legendsettings, e-maps-mapsarea, e-maps-border, e-maps-margin' are allowed.
Help me