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Incorrect layout after Grouping and Resize


If I am grouping all columns instead of one ant after that try to resize that left column, I am getting incorrect layout (arrows are on top of the text). How can I fix that?

The view is like that:

You can try to do it in this example: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fyw7x1?file=app.component.html
Just group 5 columns ant after that click on last column to resize it.

1 Reply

DR Dhivya Rajendran Syncfusion Team January 21, 2020 01:39 PM UTC

Hi AC, 

Greetings from syncfusion support. 

Query#: I am getting incorrect layout (arrows are on top of the text). How can I fix that? 

By default, Grid incentcell(left space of grid content after grouped) adjust based on the Grid columns width resizing. Based on your requirement, we have defined fixed width for indentcell  of EJ2 Grid to overcome the problem. Please refer the below code example for more information.  

    .e-grid .e-group-intent {  
        width20px !important;  
R. Dhivya

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