Hi SaiSravya,
By default, the Zooming is enabled in the diagram. We need not set any properties to enable the zooming in the diagram. To disable the zoom initially, we should remove DiagramConstraints Zoom from the Default. Also, we can use zoomTo method to perform zoom operations at runtime. Please refer to a code example below.
Code example:
//disable zoom initially
public constraints: DiagramConstraints = DiagramConstraints.Default &~DiagramConstraints.Zoom;
//zoom operation at runtime
ZoomIn() {
let zoomOptions: ZoomOptions = {
type: "ZoomIn",
//Sets the factor by which we can zoom in or zoom out
zoomFactor: 0.5
//zoomin the diagram
ZoomOut() {
let zoomOptions: ZoomOptions = {
type: "ZoomOut",
//Sets the factor by which we can zoom in or zoom out
zoomFactor: 0.5
//zoomout the diagram
} |
Shyam G