In our application we are using a SfChart to plot data coming from a machine (temperature, force, position etc.). Currently we have up to 20 data series (FastLineBitmapSeries) which are updated every 100 ms. We now face the problem that we can't use more than 10 data series for more than 5 minutes or the application will start to freeze. We then created a quick test app which only uses a SfChart and saw that with 20 data series and 100ms cycle, the chart starts to freeze after about 6 minutes (having plotted about 72'000 data points by then).
EDIT: We also identified a problem when wanting to clear the graph. When just clearing the ObservableCollections it will slow down the application due to an ever increasing execute time of SfChart.UpdateArea method. When instantiating new ObservableCollections we could not observe that behaviour.
Sidenote: We know that using a StrokeThickness of 1 would further improve performance but for our application, which has a dark theme, we found that we need to have a StrokeThickness of 2 in order to improve readability.
Is there any other way to improve the performance of the chart for cylic updates?
Thanks in advance
Kind regards,