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Dynamicly adding and removing items from RadialMenu

Hello, I have a problem with dynamicly adding and removing items from RadialMenu, i would like to remove "connect" item with "disconnect". I was trying to call radialMenu.Invalidate after change but without success.

I was trying something like this (the item that i would like to switch is under ):

 if (args.IsConnected)

      _radialMenu.Items[1] = _disconnectItem;


       _radialMenu.Items[1] = _connectItem;


i was trying like this:

if (args.IsConnected)








the only solution that it was working was when menu was opened, so i ended up with this:

 if (args.IsConnected)

      _radialMenu.Items[1] = _disconnectItem;


       _radialMenu.Items[1] = _connectItem;


But its hacky and its blinking when its closed, and its working only if _radialMenu.LayoutType = LayoutType.Default, its not working in LayoutType.Custom

Anybody have any idea how to make it correctly? There is no documentation fo RadialMenu in Xamarin.Android, so its hard to find any information about this.

3 Replies

SP Sakthivel Palaniyappan Syncfusion Team January 10, 2020 12:29 PM UTC

Hi Pawel,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We have analyzed your query and checked the reported issue of “Dynamically adding and removing items from RadialMenu not working”, we could replicate the issue. We confirm this as a bug and logged a defect report. You can keep track of the bug from the feedback portal below.

Feedback link:

The fix for the reported issue will be available on 21st January ,2020.

We will publish the document for RadialMenu  in Xamarin.Android on 21st January ,2020.

If you have any more specification/precise replication procedure or a scenario to be tested, you can add it as a comment in the portal.

Sakthivel P. 

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team January 30, 2020 08:43 AM UTC

Hi Pawel, 
Thanks for your patience. 
Please find the patch for the reported issue in below 
Advanced approach – use only if you have specific needs and can directly replace existing assemblies for your build environment

Assembly Version:  
Please note that we have created this patch for version specifically to resolve the following issue reported in this incident. If you have received other patches for the same version for other products, please apply all patches in the order received 
Note: Currently we have patch support only to the main and service pack release version, not for weekly NuGet release. Then only provided a patch with version. 
To Clear the cache: 
Follow the below link to clear cache,   
For Mac   
• ~/.local/share/NuGet/Cache   
• ~/.nuget/package   

The fix will be included in our weekly NuGet release which is expected to be rolled out on February 04, 2020.
Please find the UG for RadialMenu in Xamarin.Android in below 
We appreciate your patience until then. 
Hemalatha M. 

HM Hemalatha Marikumar Syncfusion Team February 4, 2020 08:40 AM UTC

Hi Pawel,

Sorry for the inconvenience,
The reported issue doesn’t include in the weekly NuGet release. In our previous implementation we have used the List type for the Items so it doesn’t reflect while changing  dynamically but In that fix we have change the List into Observable Collection, this should be consider as a feature and this will be included in our upcoming Volume 1 2020 release which will be rolled out end of March 2020.

We will let you know once our Volume 1 main release has been rolled out so use the provided patch until the release. 
Hemalatha M. 

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