Hi !
I'm trying to PROTECT and SIGN a document in one single pass.
Please, follow the steps below to reproduce my problem:
1- I successfully protect/encrypt the PDF using Owner and User passwords and set its Security.Permissions as: Print Or EditContent Or FillFields Or AssembleDocument {1292}. Everything functions like a charm.
2- After, I open the protected document using the OWNER password and SIGN it using a Digital Certificate. I DO NOT Certificate the document; I just sign it normally. I can check, through DEBUG mode, that Security.Permissions are 100% like above.
3- After signed the protected document, a curious thing happens:
- If I open the Signed-Protected document via my application, it shows the same Permissions like pointed at topic 1.
- If I open the Signed-Protected document via FOXIT, it shows the same Permissions like pointed at topic 1 BUT "AssembleDocument" is OFF (restricted).
- If I open the original protected-only document (before sign it) in the same FOXIT, it shows "AssembleDocument" and other permissions normally.
Do you know why FOXIT suddenly change its interpretation of that permission (AssembleDocument) in a document after signing it, even the flag is marked within the PDF file?
I appreciate for any help.
Kind regards,