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unable to disable/override the "zoom" command (ctrl + mousewheel).

Hello Syncfusion Team,

I'm using the latest version of diagram component in my app:"@syncfusion/ej2-angular-diagrams": "^17.3.34",

The app's UI has a custom control to zoom in/out of the diagram. I want all zoom actions to happen via that control. 

Hence I need to disable or override the commandManager's built-in 'zoom' (ctrl + mousewheel) command

However as shown in my stackblitz demo, it doesn't seem like it is possible: https://stackblitz.com/edit/zoom-disable 

Also I can't find the Key and KeyModifier combination for the mousewheel up/down events. 

Any suggestions or alternatives?  Will I have to use Angular's user input events instead?


PS: Note: My app has it's own zoom control. I don't want to disable zoom, but just want to disable the zoom via ctrl + mousewheel. Hence not setting minZoom and maxZoom to 1 or disabling DiagramConstraints.Zoom (which will entirely disable zoom altogether).

3 Replies

SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 23, 2019 07:06 AM UTC

Hi Mithun, 

To disable the (ctrl+mousewheel)zooming, you should remove DiagramConstraints Zoom constraints from Default initially. At button click, you can enable and disable the zoom as shown in the below code example. 

Code example: 
//disable zoom initially 
public constraints: DiagramConstraints = DiagramConstraints.Default &~DiagramConstraints.Zoom;   

ZoomIn(args) {   
       //enable zoom 
       this.diagramControl.constraints = DiagramConstraints.Default; 
        let zoomOptions: ZoomOptions = { 
            type: "ZoomIn", 
            //Sets the factor by which we can zoom in or zoom out 
            zoomFactor: 0.5 
        //zoomin the diagram 
        //disable zoom 
         this.diagramControl.constraints = DiagramConstraints.Default &~DiagramConstraints.Zoom; 

    ZoomOut() {  
       this.diagramControl.constraints = DiagramConstraints.Default; 
        let zoomOptions: ZoomOptions = { 
            type: "ZoomOut", 
             //Sets the factor by which we can zoom in or zoom out 
            zoomFactor: 0.5 
        //zoomout the diagram 
 this.diagramControl.constraints = DiagramConstraints.Default &~DiagramConstraints.Zoom; 

Shyam G 

MI Mithun December 23, 2019 09:26 AM UTC

Thanks Shyam, it worked! 

Really appreciate you putting that demo code together! 


SG Shyam G Syncfusion Team December 23, 2019 09:40 AM UTC

Hi Mithun, 
Thanks for your update. 
Shyam G 

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